Declawed cats can be traumatic for the animal and its families. The declawing procedure is a major surgery that can have long-term effects. Although the procedure is intended to improve cat’s quality of life, it does come with risks. Cats are more likely to experience pain, swelling, and even behavioral difficulties after surgery.
In the album “Returning to Normal,” the singer describes the process of returning to normal after a cat is declawed. The song describes the pain and discomfort that the cat may experience, as well as the fear and panic that the family may have about it. The singer encourages the family to be patient with the cat and take the time to acknowledge the changes that the cat is going through.
The song also discusses the possibility of behavioral shifts that the cat may experience after surgery. Declawed cats may become more aggressive or anxious, and may be unable to adapt to the new environment. During this difficult period, the singer encourages the family to be understanding and supportive. The song also emphasizes the importance of providing the cat with a secure and comfortable place to rest.
Overall, the song serves as a reminder that declawing is a major surgery and that it requires a lot of patience and understanding during the recovery process. It also inspires families to provide their cats with the care and support they need to return to a normal life.