Cleaning a Corrugated Cardboard Cat Scratcher can be a difficult task. To ensure that your cat’s scratcher is clean and safe for them to use, it’s important to follow the directions carefully. When cleaning a corrugated cardboard cat scratcher, here are some guidelines to follow.
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2. Clean the vacuum cleaner with a sharp knife. Using a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment, vacuum the scratcher to remove any remaining dirt.
3. 2. Disinfect the scratcher. In a spray bottle, mix one part vinegar and one part water to decontaminate the scratcher. Shake it up, and then spray the mixture all over the scratcher, ensuring that you get all the nooks and crannies covered. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes before wiped it down with a damp cloth.
4 ). Dry the scratcher with a damp cloth. Let the scratcher air dry after you’ve wiped it down. Do not use a hair dryer as this can damage the corrugated cardboard.
5 Refresh your scratcher. After the scratcher has dried, rub a bit of catnip or other cat-safe scents on it to refresh it and entice your cat.
Following these steps will keep your cat’s scratcher tidy and safe for them to use. To ensure that the scratcher isn’t carrying any viruses or bacteria that could be harmful to your cat, it’s vital to clean and disinfect it regularly.