If your cat has lost appetite or isn’t eating as much as usual, it may be time to take steps. If your cat’s decreased appetite persists or is concerned about their wellbeing in any way, consult with your veterinarian for further advice and treatment.
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2 – 2 – Make meals more appetizing: Warm the food or add a small amount of gravy or canned tuna juice to make them more palatable. If your cat has been eating dry food for a long time, consider adding canned food or a variety of flavors to your diet.
3.. 3. Offer smaller meals, more often: If your cat isn’t eating large meals, consider offering smaller meals more often. They won’t be weighed down and will be more likely to eat this way.
4. When eating food, ensure that your cat is in a comfortable, safe environment. Reduce distractions and create a relaxed atmosphere.
5 a.m. Try experimenting with different food types: Try including dry food, raw food, or fresh foods.
6 octav Check your cat’s weight: If your cat’s appetite has decreased, make sure to monitor their weight. If you’re worried about their weight gain, keep track of their physical appearance and consult with your doctor.
7 oz. Consult your veterinarian if your cat’s decreased appetite persists. Consult your veterinarian for further assistance and therapy.
You can help your cat with a decreased appetite by following these guidelines. If your cat’s appetite does not rise, consult your veterinarian for further advice.