Cats are adored animals for their charm, independence, and energy. Cats are often seen snoozing away peacefully during the day, which leads us to wonder: how much sleep do cats require? According to research, cats can sleep up to 16 hours per 24-hour period, and they have a variety of habits and preferences when it comes to catching their Zs.
Let us first look at the history of cat sleep. Cats are polyphasic sleepers, meaning they take several short naps rather than a single long sleep period, unlike humans. Cats go into a deep sleep during these naps, also called “slow wave sleep” or SWS, which is the same type of sleep that humans experience during their sleep. Cats also go into REM sleep, which is considered to be the most relaxing form of sleep.
So, how much sleep do cats require? It depends on the cat’s age. Adult cats typically sleep around 12-16 hours a day, while kitten cats generally sleep between 16-20 hours a day. Senior cats may sleep more than this, up to 20 hours a day. For cats, this amount of sleep is quite normal, and it is also normal for cats to sleep for longer periods of time during the day.
In addition to the amount of sleep a cat requires, it’s important to determine where cats prefer to rest. Cats do not have to sleep in a specific location, contrary to popular belief; they are actually very flexible in their sleeping positions. Cats can snooze almost anywhere that is comfortable, warm, and secure. Some cats will like to sleep on their owner’s lap or in a shaded spot near the window, while others will like a warm box or closet.
Lastly, cats’ sleeping habits can change day to day. Some cats will prefer to sleep more during the day, while others will prefer to sleep more at night. During periods of stress or excitement, some cats may also nap more frequently. It is important to pay attention to your cat’s sleeping habits and to make sure they are getting enough sleep.
Cats, on the other hand, need a lot of sleep (up to 16 hours a day), and they can sleep in a variety of conditions. It’s important to pay attention to your cat’s sleeping habits and to make sure they are getting enough sleep. Your furry friend will be feeling rested, alert, and able to face the day with the right amount of sleep.